
Wilderness Therapy For Substance Conduct Disorder Treatment in Washington

Wilderness Therapy For Substance Conduct Disorder Treatment in Washington

It can be extremely heartbreaking when a parent has a teen who is struggling. When that teen is struggling with alcohol and drug abuse, it may be more than the parents can handle. They may experience a wide range of emotions, such as anger and helplessness, and may not know where to turn to get their teen help. Guidance counselors and weekly therapists may be a good start, but many teens need more of an intervention. For teens that are coping with co-occurring disorders, a long-term facility is often best, to truly take care of the problem. Here at Rites of Passage NW, we offer wilderness therapy for substance conduct disorder treatment in Washington, to get our teens the help they need so they can go back to a normal, productive life.

Wilderness Therapy For Substance Conduct Disorder Treatment in Washington

Conduct disorder is the precursor to what is known as antisocial personality disorder in adults. Very harmful, this disorder can cause serious interpersonal problems. It is often combined with other disorders, such as ADHD and learning disabilities. Conduct disorder can really hamper a teen’s ability to live a normal life if not treated, especially if drug and alcohol abuse is present.

Wilderness therapy can help because we truly get back to basics here .Rites of Passage NW is a working ranch. Teens learn to grow and harvest their own food, and take care of the many animals on he ranch. Teens also learn about cause and effect, and accountability and responsibility. There are no cell phones or Internet here.

We also combine traditional therapy with unique experiences, such as wilderness therapy and equine therapy. By truly getting back to basics, we are able to give these kids a fresh start.

To learn more about wilderness therapy for substance conduct disorder treatment in Washington, call Rites of Passage NW at (800)794-0980 to speak with a trained professional.