
Wilderness Therapy For Oppositional Defiant Disorder – ODD in Seattle

Wilderness Therapy For Oppositional Defiant Disorder – ODD in Seattle

Sometimes it is simply too much for parents to deal with teens that have anger problems, and they can feel helpless, with nowhere to turn. Often, weekly therapy and trips to the family doctor or pediatrician are a good start, but for some teens, it simply isn’t enough. Here at Rites of Passage NW, we offer wilderness therapy for oppositional defiance disorder – ODD in Seattle, to help teens get back on track before more serious problems arise.

Wilderness Therapy For Oppositional Defiant Disorder – ODD in Seattle

ODD is characterized by several different symptoms. Firstly, those who suffer from ODD are typically not violent, and do not have outbursts with people, or mistreat or harm people or animals. However, some symptoms of ODD include the desire to repeatedly try to annoy others, especially those close to them; resentment; vindictiveness; and the inability to “go with the flow” when being part of a team or group. Rebelliousness and rule-breaking is a large part of ODD. For some children, it is merely a phase, but for those with a solid diagnosis, treatment should be procured as quickly as possible before deeper problems emerge.

Here at Rites of Passage NW we use conventional therapies, such as group and individual CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to help break bad habits and problems. We also offer our teens wilderness therapy and hiking to help relieve stress, and to show that there is a better way.

As a working ranch, teens here also are expected to help with daily chores, and to volunteer in the community. All of our teens learn how to work together to be part of a team, and learn accountability and responsibility.

For more information about wilderness therapy for oppositional defiance disorder – ODD in Seattle, please call Rites of Passage NW at (800)794-0980 to speak to a member of our professional staff.