
Wilderness Therapy For Moving or Change of Schools

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Moving your family can be a difficult decision to make for anyone. Sometimes everyone is on board, and it’s a great move for your family. Other times you may face high resistance when your teens have to change schools. Even moving as a young adult can be frustrating and hard to handle. That’s where Rites of Passage come in. We provide wilderness therapy for moving or change of schools that help teens and pre-teens handle the changes coming their way.

Even if the move is a great option, you may still face opposition at home. Please take a look below at how we can help you deal with the situation and help your teen learn to make positive choices:

Wilderness Approach

First, wilderness therapy is not like boot camp. Some parents come with this thought in mind of how their children will be taught to move forward. Wilderness therapy takes your teen out of the everyday stresses of life, removes the distractions, and brings them into nature. This is a place where you can get rid of all the noise and chaos and learn to reflect and cope.

Our approach has four phases that each stage takes a different length of time. In each different phase, different ideas are covered, such as:

  • Self-reflection
  • Coping mechanisms
  • Communication skills
  • Shelter in a campsite
  • Navigation in the wilderness
  • Cooking
  • Group therapy
  • Peer-level interaction that a therapist guides

We offer options in wilderness therapy to move or change schools that can help your student learn to make wise decisions for their future. Call us at (800) 794-0980 today to discuss options to help your teen get on the right track ahead.