
Wilderness Therapy For Under Challenged Children or Young Adults

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Children and even young adults all have different attention spans and need an extra level of challenge in their life. Some never seem to get the appropriate challenge necessary, resulting in less than favorable behavior. When it comes to getting them the assistance they need to thrive, consider wilderness therapy for under challenged children or young adults here at Rites of Passage.

For many years now, the state-licensed program has helped thousands of young people get back on track with a plan for success. Our therapy focuses on various options to help those who are dealing with mental health conditions, bad behavior, and even substance abuse to get on the path for their better. Check it out below and see how it may help your loved one to succeed in all areas of life.

Multiple Phases

The wilderness program is a multi-stage therapy plan that provides guided experiences in the wild. From camping and hiking to self-reflection and learning to cook, your teen will have various experiences.

All of our stages are led by state-licensed and certified therapists to help your loved one to find the strength and skills they need. We often run into good kids who make poor decisions and need assistance getting back on the right path.

With our guided therapy for the whole family, peer-level interaction, skills taught, and getting to the root of the problem at hand; your young person will be able to become a productive member of society with the skills needed for life ahead.

Contact the office today at (800) 794-0980 to discuss our wilderness therapy for under challenged children or young adults.