
Wilderness Therapy For Substance Conduct Disorder Treatment in Seattle

Wilderness Therapy For Substance Conduct Disorder Treatment in Seattle

When a parent has a child that is going through tough times, it can be heartbreaking. When those tough times center around substance abuse, a parent can feel a full array of emotions, such as helplessness and anger. For some teens, school guidance counselors and weekly therapy sessions can help, but others need a strong intervention. Some teens suffer from co-occurring disorders, such as a combination of conduct disorder and substance abuse. If these disorders are not arrested before puberty, serious problems can occur. Here at Rites of Passage NW, we offer wilderness therapy for substance conduct disorder treatment in Seattle, so that teens can go back to living a normal, productive life and their parents can breathe easy.

Wilderness Therapy For Substance Conduct Disorder Treatment in Seattle

Conduct disorder can basically be described as the beginning of antisocial behavior, and if the disorder is not arrested prior to age 18, this disorder becomes known as antisocial  personality disorder, which is a serious mental health issue. This disorder co-occurs with other problems, such as substance abuse, ADHD, and learning disabilities.

Here at Rites of Passage NW, we can help by getting our teens back to basics. There are no cell phones allowed here and there is no Internet. Rites of Passage NW is actually a working ranch, and our teens have a strict, regimented schedule from day to day with assigned chores. Here, teens learn how to grow and harvest their own crops, as well as cook their food from these crops. Teens are also expected to give back and volunteer in the community.

We also combine traditional therapy with other types of therapy, such as wilderness exercises and equine therapy. Our teens hike and trek the nearby Olympic Mountains as part of their therapy.

To learn more about wilderness therapy for substance conduct disorder treatment in Seattle, call Rites of Passage NW at (800)794-0980 to speak with a trained professional.