
Wilderness Therapy For OCD Treatment (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)

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When dealing with mental health issues, you want to have a trusted resource on your side. One of those resources is the Rites of Passage here in the Northwest area. Our team provides a variety of therapy options, including wilderness therapy for OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). For over 10 years, our compassionate and caring team has been working with pre-teens, teens, and young adults to learn coping and life skills to be successful no matter what diagnosis they may receive.

Discover more about OCD below and see how we can help with our therapy options:

What Is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health condition in which obsessions or compulsions can seem to take over. Obsessions are defined as unwanted thoughts or sensations that take place over and over again. Compulsions are the urge to do something over and over, such as checking locks, turning light switches on and off, or counting items. Learning how to cope with this can be difficult as an adult, much less as a teenager who’s changing and growing daily.

Wilderness Therapy

Our therapy program is a four-phase experience that takes into account your unique situation. The program itself starts with a complete evaluation such as a physical and therapy evaluation to determine if any conditions would prevent full participation.

Each phase focuses on different skills, self-reflection, learning to work as a team, and a success plan once the program is complete. Your teen or young adult can discover ways to cope and plan for their future while dealing with OCD in the mix.

Reach out today to see how we may be able to assist your teen with our wilderness therapy for OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). Contact us at (800) 794-0980 for more information.