
Wilderness Therapy For Failure To Launch Syndrome

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One of the rites of passage teens and young adults face is the transition into adulthood independently. However, more and more young people are not leaving home for a variety of reasons. Here at Rites of Passage, we offer wilderness therapy for failure to launch syndrome in young adults that can’t seem to leap for whatever reason.

Our talented and compassionate team of certified and trained therapists have been working with young people just like you or your loved one for over 10 years. With our program, young adults and teens can learn how to live independently, face the reasons for their failure to launch, and get the mentorship they need to regain confidence in their ability to do things on their own.

Why Failure To Launch?

Many reasons a young adult may stay at home or end up coming back after they’ve left. Parents tend to blame themselves, but that’s not always the issue. While some instances can be caused by not having age-appropriate challenges to face, other times, it can be a result of addiction, mental health conditions that may not have been diagnosed, and those that have. The reasons can be numerous, causing the young adult not to have self-esteem or confidence to handle being an adult.

What Our Program Does

With wilderness therapy here, young adults can take time to self-reflect, learn skills to gain their confidence, and learn how to communicate effectively so they can have a bright and confident future.

Your young adult can get the assistance they need with long-term mentorship to launch into adulthood here at Rites of Passage. Call the office at (800) 794-0980 to learn more about our wilderness therapy for failure to launch syndrome in young adults.