
Phase 4 – Mentorship & Gratitude

Phase 4 – Mentorship & Gratitude

Phase 4 can be summed up by these slogans: “Give it away to lose it!” and “There is nothing more powerful than mastering a skill in order to teach it, to practice it, to prove it!”

Phase 4 goes beyond 6 weeks and is our Mentorship Phase. Our wellness expedition is designed to help your child work through treatment resistance and denial and to foster emotional awareness and the management of feelings and relationships.

From this relationship they will practice their new skills and continue to build self-esteem. This relationship is as unique as the individuals involved in it. But no matter who the individual is or what their background, there are basic fundamental core values they will need to use. This provides them an opportunity to practice in a peer to peer or mentor relationship prior to reintegration back into their home life. Students will begin to recognize their personal strengths and weaknesses and how to make the best of both. They will develop new skills, self-confidence, and a strong desire to make the changes that are crucial for their future success. During this phase, mentors will be paired with a newer student to practice their new skills.

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Now that your child is performing at a high level of excellence it is time for them to share this with their peers. This phase encourages students to have mastered the Rites of Passage NW Wilderness Therapy skills, since in order to teach a subject you must have fully digested, learned and processed the lessons therein. They are encouraged to ask the question, “How can I take what I have learned at Rites of Passage NW Wilderness Therapy and how can I make it better when I go home?” They become leaders within the group! Students naturally learn the value of self-reliance as they are taking on more leadership within the group and beginning to help out newer students.

Areas of focus in Phase 4:

  • Peer level feedback in a controlled environment
  • Developing an individual plan for success
  • Outlining transition agreements
  • Developing a support resources list
  • Establishing leadership role with new students
  • Participation in a Family Workshop
  • Reflection for two days with field therapist
  • Peer Leadership roles