
Obesity Health and Wellness Camps for Teens in Seattle

Obesity Health and Wellness Camps for Teens in Seattle

Habits, especially bad habits seem to be much easier to form than to break. It is all too easy for a person to begin over eating at meals, snacking before bed and consuming foods that hold little to no nutritional value. Especially if that individual has worries, anxieties, stresses or other emotional or behavioral things going on in the back ground of their lives. Before long, the weigh scale begins to rise and the never ending cycle of attempting various diets and products of promises of rapid weight loss begins as do the frustrations of nothing seemingly working. As a teen, being overweight can have a huge negative impact on their everyday lives; not only from a health perspective but from a social point of view. At rites of Passage NW Wilderness Therapy obesity health and wellness camps for teens in Seattle, we can help your teen and in the long run, your family, stop the cycle of failed diets and empty weight loss promises.

Obesity Health and Wellness Camp for Teens in Seattle

At Rites of Passage, our unique empowerment approach to therapy in combination of our healthy foods education will have your teen losing weight, eating healthy and feeling good about themselves maybe even before they realize it.

Our wilderness treks allow our students the time to understand they are responsible the choices they make, the actions they take and the foods they eat. Our wilderness adventures will provide your teen with the tools of inner strength, confidence and self-respect to overcome many of life’s challenges that lay before them.

Our multilevel therapies including individual, group and even peer to peer will allow your teen to work through any of the negative behaviors or emotions associated with obesity.

These therapies can also be the corner stones of the beginning of lasting friendships and support.

For more information regarding our Rites of Passage NW Wilderness Therapy obesity health and wellness camps for teens in Seattle, give us a call today at (800)794-0980.