
Camp for Overweight Kids in North America

Camp for Overweight Kids in North America

Obesity in children can be brought on by a number of causes from medical reasons to being self-inflicted. For those that are suffering from medical conditions, they are no doubt in the care of a medical professional who is monitoring the health of the child very carefully. For those kids whose issues with being overweight can be linked to external influences, behavioral or emotional problems, learning to adopt a healthier diet may be the key.  Too many however, this is often easier said than done without assistance. Camp for Overweight Kids in North America such as that offered through our Rites of Passage NW Wilderness Therapy Obesity Health & Wellness  may be a viable option to get these kids on track to healthier lifestyles.

At Rites of Passage, we employ a multi-level approach to our therapies, treating the individual as a whole instead of targeting one specific area of concern.

Often it is found there are underlying issues that need to be addressed in order to achieve the desired results.

Even for kids aged 10-17, having awareness and taking ownership of their past behaviors will give them an understanding of the present and a clearer picture of where they want to be in future.

Our holistic food program teaches our students where to get and how to prepare nutritious, delicious healthy foods. Even cooking for themselves while away from base camp. Individual and group therapies get to the root issues, allows them to interact with their peers and work as a team.

Combining our Rites of Passage therapy model with the complete holistic food program as well as an intensive therapy program makes us unique and highly effective and a favorite Camp for Overweight Kids in North America .