
How To Help Young Adults Live a Balanced Lifestyle After Wilderness Therapy

How To Help Young Adults Live a Balanced Lifestyle After Wilderness Therapy

Wilderness therapy is one of the most popular forms of therapy for young adults who are going through different challenges in life. As studies have shown that communing with nature can decrease stress, make one feel happier, and may even help a person to be more kind and generous, it’s no wonder that a majority of troubled youths who have tried wilderness therapy found it to be a positive and wonderful experience. To sustain the healing from this type of therapy, parents must ensure that the positivity from this experience is carried over once their teen comes home. By ensuring that their teenage child lives a balanced and healthy lifestyle, they can overcome the tough times and find a way to rise above the challenges that they meet in their everyday lives. Here are a few tips on how to help young adults live a balanced lifestyle after wilderness therapy.

Do More Outdoor Activities During the Weekend

Instead of going to the mall or staying inside the house having Netflix marathons, encourage your child to do activities that will allow them to be in nature during the weekends. Go fishing, hiking, or camping with them, or go horseback riding or kite flying. Not only is it a great way to bond, but being in nature is a good way to live a balanced lifestyle as they gets adequate fresh air, sunshine, and exercise. Moreover, being in nature is a balm for the soul, so keep the spirit of the wilderness therapy alive by making outdoor excursions a weekly family affair.

Limit The Use of Gadgets

Too much screen time can have an adverse effect on your child. Not only does it promote a sedentary lifestyle which can lead to obesity and other health conditions, but it can also cause teens to engage in aggressive behaviors, cause sleep issues, and result in potential mental health problems. Monitor game time and social media use to help sustain the healing process and set rules for gadget rules during school days.

Encourage Your Teen to Engage In a New Hobby

Does your child have a hobby? If the answer is no and you think that they’re just not interested in anything, it’s highly possible that your teen may not have found the right activity that captures their interests. Be observant and have conversations with your child to learn what they’re interested in. If they have been watching a lot of hip-hop dance routines online, they may want to learn hip-hop dancing. If they’re a more of a creative type, see if they’re more into painting, crafting, or restoring damaged items. There are so many different hobbies that may be a good fit for your teen, whether they’re an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between. All that they need is your support and the tools to get them engaged.

Your love, support, and patience are what your teen needs to help sustain the positive feelings that they got from participating in a wilderness therapy program. Follow these tips so that the healing may continue once they get home.